Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week 2

What what??

So I made it through week 2.....sort of. I had a slight-ish slip up on Friday. After a particularly stressful work day, I was invited to have dinner with my Mom while we were out and about working on my wedding plans.

Please observe my impressive display of will power:

Mom: Do you guys wanna go get dinner?
Me: No
Me: Yes
Me: There's a Mexican restaurant right up the street.

I know....it's impressive.

Anyway, so I had a taco salad and I didn't eat it all. Also, We never got a refill basket of chips. So I'd say I didn't crash too hard. Well....at least not until we decided to go to Orange Leaf.

Points. BLOWN.

But, it's not all bad. I stayed on course for the rest of the weekend without incident and I tried not to beat myself up about Friday.

Ok, so I only lost 1.2 lbs for Monday's weigh in. But it's still a loss and I'll take it! On a super positive night, I am currently in the lead for our little work weight loss challenge! YAY!

SW: 213  CW: 206  GW: 145

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