Tuesday, January 31, 2017

10 Pounds down!

THIS feels amazing. 10 pounds down, YES!!!

The best part? I'm starting to get comfortable. Comfortable planning my meals, comfortable not eating shit, comfortable eating out.... And I'm getting UNCOMFORTABLE making excuses for myself. I love this part, getting over the hump.

When you fall off a new diet in week 1, no big deal, right? What have you lost? No tremendous progress. I'll just start again next week.....(you guys, I just for real described the last year of my life.)

BUT....now I have 3 weeks and 10lbs under my belt. There is a little more at stake. More disappointment in myself if I fall. Why? Because I've already proven to myself that I can do this.

Anyway - so THIS just happened.....Pinterest just tried to connect me with my "Pin Twin." Apparently, based off of the things we post, we are so similar that we are meant to follow each other. SO I'm all like, hells yes.....she's just like me (Her name is Joanne by the way)....she MUST be badass. So I click on her name and start scrolling her boards. It is LITERALLY.......Nothing. But. Food.

Food. And more specifically.....desserts. Cakes, Pies, candy, cheesecake.....but seriously, nothing but pages and pages and endless pages of food. You cut me deep, Pinterest. You cut me real deep right then.

I also started a little exercise. Nothing crazy. I'm not Dana Posey. (You guys have no idea why that's funny and that's totally cool. Dana Posey is a body builder. Believe me, I wouldn't have known either if I hadn't Googled my own name. But see....here she is:)

Anywho....I started a couple of those 30-day challenges with some friends at work. I suppose you have to start somewhere. Let's just say you should be expecting some pretty spectacular changes in THIS Dana Posey's obliques and arms in the very near future......

SW: 213  CW:203   GW:145

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