Monday, January 16, 2017

One week down!

5.8 pounds down! What what??? Not too shabby for the first week!

I'm honestly, super surprised. I did my very best to save up all my weekly points since I knew we would have family in town over the weekend. As you can most likely imagine, the fam was not really jonesing for a nice Nebraska salad or Iowa Quinoa and Spinach.

So instead it was Pepperjax and Pizza. I ate 3 pieces of pizza. It was the best moment of my life. Either way, subs and pizza aside, I stayed within my points. Boom.

I still haven't started exercising. And I keep trying to eat yogurt. It's seriously so so gross. SO GROSS! But today I had an apple pie flavored yogurt with granola. That wasn't TOO terrible.

I'm excited for week 2.....

SW: 213  CW: 207.2  GW: 145

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