Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Diet Day 2.......Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I did it! I got through 2 whole days and haven't gone completely insane! I took my "before" pics tonight. (sigh) I made sure to not smile or brush my hair so that once I take my "after" pics, I could make myself up and automatically look like I made super progress regardless of how much weight I actually lose.

Nothing super exciting to report food-wise today: JD frittata for breakfast, soup and oysters crackers for lunch (yes....all 37 of them) and, sauteed chicken thighs, summer squash and potatoes for dinner.

Tonight I opened my fridge and eyeballed my yogurt....like super hard. I tried to amp myself up to eat it. I had a truffle instead. #sorrynotsorry

I miss wine. Like, how can wine even be bad for you? How can it be so many points? It's liquid! It's basically water. Honestly, if I could just have a glass or 2 of wine every night, I'd barely even notice (or care) that I was dieting. Don't even try to tell me that it's thinking like that which landed me in my current mess. That's crazy talk and I don't need that negativity!!

Look.....I really hate to change the subject, but I really just need to share this with someone. So, my mom got me Alexa for Christmas. We were finally able to get it set up the other night, and I swear to God, right now.......Carl is in the kitchen talking to Alexa like it's a real person that should understand his slang. And once he realizes she is just not going to understand any thing he says, it reverts to a never ending slew of Carl repeating, "Alexa.....ask for a fart. Alexa........ask for a fart."  WTF......

Someone bring me a pizza....

Water Intake: 36 ozs.....a little better than yesterday!

SW:213  CW:213  GW:145

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