Monday, January 9, 2017

Diet Day 1.....Later that day....

One day down....and I survived! (To be fair, it's not like I was wasting away over here.)

Dinner was pork chops (it was Shake and Bake and I helped!), sauteed summer squash and baby potatoes. I had so many points left that I could barely even eat what I had left in points. But that didn't stop my sweet tooth from demanding it's after dinner treat.

Instead of eating a piece of chocolate, I decided to try a healthier option. (Go me!) So I pulled out a container of strawberry Greek yogurt. This is probably a good time to mention I hate yogurt. I don't really know why I dislike it, I think it's a consistency thing. Anyway, I  tossed some granola and fresh organic raspberries on top. You should have seen this looked DELICIOUS! And it sounds delicious.......right??

Dude.......why is yogurt so GROSS?? First, I didn't realize that the yogurt I purchased was high protein Greek yogurt. was so thick, I almost had to chew it. And all I could think was, "did they even use any sugar in this bland shit?" According to the package, they used a whole 7 grams. I seriously don't know where these grams of sugar went but I feel like a crime was committed here. It was like someone smeared a strawberry against the bottom of their shoe and then took that to Yoplait and said, "can you guys make this into a yogurt flavor?" And I'll give credit where credit is due....they NAILED it. I ate as much of it as I could.....

There are Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes in the pantry right this very second...............(focus)

Tomorrow I am going to have Carl take some "before" pics. I can't say that I'm looking forward to that.

Water Intake Today: 24 oz      Hmmmm.......better try harder tomorrow

SW: 213  CW: 213  GW:145

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