Thursday, January 12, 2017

Diet Day 4: Bathroom Breaks

Well, I have successfully navigated my way into day 4! Woo Hoo!! I can see the weekend approaching with it's beady eyes, ready to break my will. I plan on locking myself up in the house so that I won't be tempted by all the delicious and convenient food of the world. Only good decisions  for this fat kid!

Today I joined the weight loss competition/challenge at my job. I figure, any motivation I can get, right? That ends in April, so I'll let you know how it goes.

Some things I have noticed after just a few days of dieting enjoying my new lifestyle:

  • My heartburn is almost completely gone. Like, what on earth was I eating that was destroying my insides so badly? I was always quick to blame the energy drinks, but I haven't stopped drinking them so that can't be it! (Although, I still need to kick this energy drink habit.)
  • The bathroom breaks. OH MY GOD, THE BATHROOM BREAKS! I am pretty sure I have to pee like, every 17 minutes. I could be exaggerating, but it's not by much.
  • I am annoying as fuck when I'm on a diet....errr...I mean when I change my eating habits. I can't stop talking about it. Like....we get it Dana, you're on Weight Watchers. Good for you.

Now if someone could just motivate me to exercise.....

SW: 213  CW: 213  GW: 145

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