Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chips and Salsa

Look, I want you all to know the extreme amount of self control I exhibited today.

On my way home from work, I sat in the car contemplating what we would have for dinner. This is dangerous. There is never a reason I should be approaching my next meal having NO idea what I'm eating. This is how accidents happen. (Or "snaccidents".....I got that from a fb meme.) Being on weight watchers takes careful meal planning. It's a lot of work people. You cannot get lazy about it.

Anyway - so as I took my exit, I passed the Mexican restaurant by my house. Mexican is literally my favorite. Like.....ever. I don't care what kind, authentic, Americanized, even Tex-mex......I love it all. I'm trying to eat at least 2 baskets of chips with salsa or cheese dip or guacamole or bean dip......something..... I want tacos......rice......margaritas......

But I talked myself right out of it. I didn't even mention it to Carl. I love him so much....but he is a total enabler. His only concern would be that I was happy. He hates to see me deprive myself of anything he knows I love. So I am kind of on my own with the whole will power thing.

Instead I came home and had homemade pizzas. SO delicious, and I don't feel gross afterwards. This is the 2nd time this week I have fought the lure of chips and dip.......

You guys......I'm doing this!

SW: 213  CW: 207.2  GW: 145

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