Monday, January 9, 2017

Diet Day 1:

Honestly, I have no idea what was more difficult today.......getting my mind right to diet, or figuring out how to blog. Seriously......I have no idea if this will even work correctly, so here's hoping!

Some of you may recall my weight loss journey from 2013. I lost 40 lbs. in about 6 months and felt freaking AMAZING! At that time, I was working as a bartender which was obviously a much more active job than my current office job. After moving back to Omaha, I did a pretty good job of keeping the weight first.

Today I stepped on the scale to discover that I have gained 68 pounds. Oh my God, SERIOUSLY??? I immediately want to go eat my feelings to cope with this information. I have no idea why I feel this way. The scale didn't tell me anything my clothes hadn't already made QUITE evident.

Anyway - Please feast your eyes on my list of excuses:
  • Leaving an active job to go to a sedentary job
  • Turning 40
  • Carl
  • New medication
Let me be real for a second. I gained 68 lbs. because I love food and I don't love to exercise. Boom. There it is.

The point of my blog is to keep track of how I feel everyday. Maybe this way, when I am having a bad day, I can look back and realize that this too shall pass.

Day 1 has been pretty ok. Jimmy Dean veggie and turkey sausage frittata for breakfast, Progresso chicken noodle for lunch and 37 oyster crackers. Yes.....37 oyster crackers. I meticulously counted each one at my desk like a freak of nature. And they were worth all 2 points, I might add.

For extra fun, there is a giant marble cake in the break for the taking! OMG.....I LOVE CAKE! I guess I'll just eat this tasty AF apple.....

Wish me luck!


  1. Ok if this shows up twice, well then I must really mean it right :) YOU GOT THIS GIRL! Ive seen you do it so I know you can :)

  2. i promise not to ask for any of your delicious cupcakes
