Tuesday, January 31, 2017

10 Pounds down!

THIS feels amazing. 10 pounds down, YES!!!

The best part? I'm starting to get comfortable. Comfortable planning my meals, comfortable not eating shit, comfortable eating out.... And I'm getting UNCOMFORTABLE making excuses for myself. I love this part, getting over the hump.

When you fall off a new diet in week 1, no big deal, right? What have you lost? No tremendous progress. I'll just start again next week.....(you guys, I just for real described the last year of my life.)

BUT....now I have 3 weeks and 10lbs under my belt. There is a little more at stake. More disappointment in myself if I fall. Why? Because I've already proven to myself that I can do this.

Anyway - so THIS just happened.....Pinterest just tried to connect me with my "Pin Twin." Apparently, based off of the things we post, we are so similar that we are meant to follow each other. SO I'm all like, hells yes.....she's just like me (Her name is Joanne by the way)....she MUST be badass. So I click on her name and start scrolling her boards. It is LITERALLY.......Nothing. But. Food.

Food. And more specifically.....desserts. Cakes, Pies, candy, cheesecake.....but seriously, nothing but pages and pages and endless pages of food. You cut me deep, Pinterest. You cut me real deep right then.

I also started a little exercise. Nothing crazy. I'm not Dana Posey. (You guys have no idea why that's funny and that's totally cool. Dana Posey is a body builder. Believe me, I wouldn't have known either if I hadn't Googled my own name. But see....here she is:)

Anywho....I started a couple of those 30-day challenges with some friends at work. I suppose you have to start somewhere. Let's just say you should be expecting some pretty spectacular changes in THIS Dana Posey's obliques and arms in the very near future......

SW: 213  CW:203   GW:145

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week 2

What what??

So I made it through week 2.....sort of. I had a slight-ish slip up on Friday. After a particularly stressful work day, I was invited to have dinner with my Mom while we were out and about working on my wedding plans.

Please observe my impressive display of will power:

Mom: Do you guys wanna go get dinner?
Me: No
Me: Yes
Me: There's a Mexican restaurant right up the street.

I know....it's impressive.

Anyway, so I had a taco salad and I didn't eat it all. Also, We never got a refill basket of chips. So I'd say I didn't crash too hard. Well....at least not until we decided to go to Orange Leaf.

Points. BLOWN.

But, it's not all bad. I stayed on course for the rest of the weekend without incident and I tried not to beat myself up about Friday.

Ok, so I only lost 1.2 lbs for Monday's weigh in. But it's still a loss and I'll take it! On a super positive night, I am currently in the lead for our little work weight loss challenge! YAY!

SW: 213  CW: 206  GW: 145

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Chips and Salsa

Look, I want you all to know the extreme amount of self control I exhibited today.

On my way home from work, I sat in the car contemplating what we would have for dinner. This is dangerous. There is never a reason I should be approaching my next meal having NO idea what I'm eating. This is how accidents happen. (Or "snaccidents".....I got that from a fb meme.) Being on weight watchers takes careful meal planning. It's a lot of work people. You cannot get lazy about it.

Anyway - so as I took my exit, I passed the Mexican restaurant by my house. Mexican is literally my favorite. Like.....ever. I don't care what kind, authentic, Americanized, even Tex-mex......I love it all. I'm trying to eat at least 2 baskets of chips with salsa or cheese dip or guacamole or bean dip......something..... I want tacos......rice......margaritas......

But I talked myself right out of it. I didn't even mention it to Carl. I love him so much....but he is a total enabler. His only concern would be that I was happy. He hates to see me deprive myself of anything he knows I love. So I am kind of on my own with the whole will power thing.

Instead I came home and had homemade pizzas. SO delicious, and I don't feel gross afterwards. This is the 2nd time this week I have fought the lure of chips and dip.......

You guys......I'm doing this!

SW: 213  CW: 207.2  GW: 145

Monday, January 16, 2017

One week down!

5.8 pounds down! What what??? Not too shabby for the first week!

I'm honestly, super surprised. I did my very best to save up all my weekly points since I knew we would have family in town over the weekend. As you can most likely imagine, the fam was not really jonesing for a nice Nebraska salad or Iowa Quinoa and Spinach.

So instead it was Pepperjax and Pizza. I ate 3 pieces of pizza. It was the best moment of my life. Either way, subs and pizza aside, I stayed within my points. Boom.

I still haven't started exercising. And I keep trying to eat yogurt. It's seriously so so gross. SO GROSS! But today I had an apple pie flavored yogurt with granola. That wasn't TOO terrible.

I'm excited for week 2.....

SW: 213  CW: 207.2  GW: 145

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Diet Day 4: Bathroom Breaks

Well, I have successfully navigated my way into day 4! Woo Hoo!! I can see the weekend approaching with it's beady eyes, ready to break my will. I plan on locking myself up in the house so that I won't be tempted by all the delicious and convenient food of the world. Only good decisions  for this fat kid!

Today I joined the weight loss competition/challenge at my job. I figure, any motivation I can get, right? That ends in April, so I'll let you know how it goes.

Some things I have noticed after just a few days of dieting enjoying my new lifestyle:

  • My heartburn is almost completely gone. Like, what on earth was I eating that was destroying my insides so badly? I was always quick to blame the energy drinks, but I haven't stopped drinking them so that can't be it! (Although, I still need to kick this energy drink habit.)
  • The bathroom breaks. OH MY GOD, THE BATHROOM BREAKS! I am pretty sure I have to pee like, every 17 minutes. I could be exaggerating, but it's not by much.
  • I am annoying as fuck when I'm on a diet....errr...I mean when I change my eating habits. I can't stop talking about it. Like....we get it Dana, you're on Weight Watchers. Good for you.

Now if someone could just motivate me to exercise.....

SW: 213  CW: 213  GW: 145

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Diet Day 2.......Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I did it! I got through 2 whole days and haven't gone completely insane! I took my "before" pics tonight. (sigh) I made sure to not smile or brush my hair so that once I take my "after" pics, I could make myself up and automatically look like I made super progress regardless of how much weight I actually lose.

Nothing super exciting to report food-wise today: JD frittata for breakfast, soup and oysters crackers for lunch (yes....all 37 of them) and, sauteed chicken thighs, summer squash and potatoes for dinner.

Tonight I opened my fridge and eyeballed my yogurt....like super hard. I tried to amp myself up to eat it. I had a truffle instead. #sorrynotsorry

I miss wine. Like, how can wine even be bad for you? How can it be so many points? It's liquid! It's basically water. Honestly, if I could just have a glass or 2 of wine every night, I'd barely even notice (or care) that I was dieting. Don't even try to tell me that it's thinking like that which landed me in my current mess. That's crazy talk and I don't need that negativity!!

Look.....I really hate to change the subject, but I really just need to share this with someone. So, my mom got me Alexa for Christmas. We were finally able to get it set up the other night, and I swear to God, right now.......Carl is in the kitchen talking to Alexa like it's a real person that should understand his slang. And once he realizes she is just not going to understand any thing he says, it reverts to a never ending slew of Carl repeating, "Alexa.....ask for a fart. Alexa........ask for a fart."  WTF......

Someone bring me a pizza....

Water Intake: 36 ozs.....a little better than yesterday!

SW:213  CW:213  GW:145

Monday, January 9, 2017

Diet Day 1.....Later that day....

One day down....and I survived! (To be fair, it's not like I was wasting away over here.)

Dinner was pork chops (it was Shake and Bake and I helped!), sauteed summer squash and baby potatoes. I had so many points left that I could barely even eat what I had left in points. But that didn't stop my sweet tooth from demanding it's after dinner treat.

Instead of eating a piece of chocolate, I decided to try a healthier option. (Go me!) So I pulled out a container of strawberry Greek yogurt. This is probably a good time to mention I hate yogurt. I don't really know why I dislike it, I think it's a consistency thing. Anyway, I  tossed some granola and fresh organic raspberries on top. You should have seen this thing....it looked DELICIOUS! And it sounds delicious.......right??

Dude.......why is yogurt so GROSS?? First, I didn't realize that the yogurt I purchased was high protein Greek yogurt. Ugh....it was so thick, I almost had to chew it. And all I could think was, "did they even use any sugar in this bland shit?" According to the package, they used a whole 7 grams. I seriously don't know where these grams of sugar went but I feel like a crime was committed here. It was like someone smeared a strawberry against the bottom of their shoe and then took that to Yoplait and said, "can you guys make this into a yogurt flavor?" And I'll give credit where credit is due....they NAILED it. I ate as much of it as I could.....

There are Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes in the pantry right this very second...............(focus)

Tomorrow I am going to have Carl take some "before" pics. I can't say that I'm looking forward to that.

Water Intake Today: 24 oz      Hmmmm.......better try harder tomorrow

SW: 213  CW: 213  GW:145